Many have a misconception when it comes to the group of people known as "Preppers". They think of people running around in camo fatigues, carrying assult rifles and living off the land. Nothing could be further from the reality. I searched the Internet, looking for a good distinction between "Preppers" and "Survivalist". Then I came across an article on the "American Preppers Network". This does a good job of discribing the differences between the two.
What is a Prepper?
by Phil Burns
A Prepper is a person who earnestly believes that no challenge is insurmountable with the proper dedication, determination and focus. A Prepper looks at things that most people would think impossible to survive and says “All you really need is X, Y and some Z! Preppers are very family oriented people who believe that it is more important to sacrifice leisure and entertainment today so that in a future potential calamity, they will be able to sustain a certain standard of living. (more...)