A few years ago, the town of Upland, California was hit with a huge scandal, all because the city had allowed the placement of Nativity scenes, in the center median, on one of the main streets. This same situation has been repeated throughout the entire United States. No prayer in schools. Altering the Pledge of Allegiance so that there would be no reference to God. Removing the Ten Commandments for Court Houses in almost every state. It's obvious that it is no longer "politically correct" to allow God in any aspect of our daily lives. But for some reason, it's alright to show honor and respect to the Egyptian God of the Dead and the Underworld, as they are doing at the Denver International Airport.

It wasn't enough that the interior walls of the airport were adorned in what could only be called bizarre apocalyptic paintings. Now, a 26 foot tall statue of Anubis will welcome visitors at the south end of the Jeppesen Terminal. And for those departing, I'm sure that Anubis will present an eerie message since his responsibility was helping out the newly dead on their final journey.

Our country, the USA, was founded on Christian morals and principals, but it appears that in the attempt to preserve everyone's freedom of religion, they lost their own.
So, if the folks at the Denver International Airport were to say the Pledge of Allegiance, "One nation,under God...", or if they were to sing, "God Bless America", I'm just wondering which God are they referring to?
So, if the folks at the Denver International Airport were to say the Pledge of Allegiance, "One nation,under God...", or if they were to sing, "God Bless America", I'm just wondering which God are they referring to?
Also, see "Secret Underground City at Denver International Airport", located in the "MENU" under "VIDEO" on this site.