If you've been to the Growmore Hydroponics web page, you may have noticed that we are working on a new project. Normally, a project of this type starts out with a need, a concept, then a grant or funding of some sort.
The need is present and increasing each day. We have the concept, but there is much work to do in order to insure an easy to build and to use system. But we don't have time to wait for grants. Our new system is needed now.
Life has not always been a piece of cake for me, and I know what it's like to go a few days without food, but I've never experienced starvation. Right now, the people of Africa are starving. Long seasons of no rain has left it's toll on the scarcity of food crops. It's appalling to learn that one sixth of the world’s population goes to bed hungry. And each year, 1 million children die from severe acute malnutrition.
I learned of this as I was planning a new hydroponic garden of my own. That was when it hit me! Maybe I could design a system that was self-operating and independant of a water source. One that was easily adaptable to most any crop. One that could be constructed with the modest of resources. If I could do that, perhaps a mother could feed her child. But there was one more obstacle, it could not be patented, it had to be placed in the Public Domain sector. The reason is that if a patent were applied for, then that would mean others could not copy it. What all of this means is - it was to be a "labor of love", a "gift" to the people of Africa and not a system that would have to be bought and profited from.
This is our challenge! We know that time is critical and we're willing to put in the hours to accomplish our goal, but we need your help. I'm not going to ask you for money. Instead, I have decided to use a good portion of our profits from not just our "Growmore Hydroponic Store", as originally planned, but to also do the same with our "Prepper Equip Store" and our "Nature Sunshine Store". So, with every purchase you make, you are supporting "Project Growmore".
Since many of you are Preppers and could use a similar system of your own, once we have developed the "Growmore System" and ensured that it is placed in the Public Domain, we will post the plans and instructions here on this website for you as well.
I don't know what our motivating factor is for this project. Maybe it's knowing that we can do it, perhaps it's our humanitarian side coming through, or maybe it's just difficult to sit down and enjoy a nice meal when we know that others are literally starving to death. Maybe it's a combination of them all. What ever the reason, we're pushing ahead with "Project Growmore" and we hope you'll be a part of it too.