(Just In... Magnitude 7.6 - OAXACA, MEXICO, 2012 March 20 11:02:48 Pacific Time)
There seems to be a pattern forming between Earthquakes and the shifting of the Polar Axis. Both of these have been on the radar of many of us for some time, but it wasn't until videos started appearing on YouTube that people began to realize the correlation of the two events.
The study of predicting earthquakes has been an on-going project for many years. Many have tried, but all have failed. According to USGS, the United States Geological Survey, no one has devised a way to predict when the next big quake will come. Perhaps the earth itself is capable of telling us just when the next earthquake will come. At least that's what Bible Theologian Paul Begley claims.
Is there any truth to this claim? Is the earth actually letting us know when we can expect another large earthquake?
If this were mere theory, we could all scratch our heads and form our own opinions as to whether we want to believe it or not, but after four (4) events happening exactly as predicted, it becomes more difficult to say that this is all a theory. We are seeing proof, right before our eyes.
According to the 188 Day Quake Theory, which was started in 2010, every 188-189 days the earth experiences a quake above 7.0 on the richter scale, and every 377 days the Earth's Axis shifts, causing a minor imbalance and fluctuations with the compass readings of magnetic North.
On 27 February 2010, and earthquake hit in Chile measuring 8.8. Over 2 million people were affected in some way and according to Chile's Chief of Emergency, the wide-spread damage caused the deaths of more than 300 people.
188 days later, buildings were reduced to rubble after a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Christchurch, New Zealand’s second largest city. Fortunately, there were only two (2) reports of injuries, but looting in the aftermath of the quake soon became a very big problem.
189 days later, a 9.0 Magnitude earthquake struck Japan, at 2:46 p.m. local time (12:46 a.m. EST) on Friday (March 11) off the east coast of Honshu, Japan's largest island and home to about 100 million people. According to the USGS, the 9.0 Mega Quake was the fourth largest in the world, since 1900 and the largest in Japan since modern instrumental recordings began 130 years ago. According to news reports the death toll exceed more than 10,000 people, according to news reports.
The quake triggered a massive tsunami that socked Japan's coast. More than 150 aftershocks of magnitude 5 or greater have followed the massive quake, including more than two dozen of magnitude 6 or greater, and one aftershock of magnitude 7.1.
188 days later, after a swarm of quakes that had occured in Fiji, the largest of them hit at 7:30 in the morning, on 15 September 2011. Fiji's Department of Mineral Resources confirmed here Friday that the 7.3 magnitude earthquake hit 453 kilometers south-southeast of the capital city, Suva. Fortunatley, there were no injuries or deaths and property damage was at a minimum.
188 days later, will be 22 March 2012. Less than a month away. What will happen? Will we see another MEGA Quake like the others? One thing is for cerain, if we do experience another large earthquake, it will probably be somewhere on the Ring of Fire.

The Ring of Fire is a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that encircles the basin of the Pacific Ocean. It is shaped like a horseshoe and it is 40,000 km long. It is associated with a nearly continuous series of oceanic trenches, island arcs, and volcanic mountain ranges and/or plate movements. It is sometimes called the circum-Pacific belt or the circum-Pacific seismic belt.
90% of the world's earthquakes and 81% of the world's largest earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire. The next most seismic region (56% of earthquakes and 17% of the world's largest earthquakes) is the Alpide belt which extends from Java to Sumatra through the Himalayas, the Mediterranean, and out into the Atlantic. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the third most prominent earthquake belt.
The Ring of Fire is a direct consequence of plate tectonics and the movement and collisions of crustal plates.
Is it possible that this Earthquake Cycle and Polar Shifting are related to one another? To answer that we have to look at the past events and so far they are affirming the 188 Day Theory. The real question, at this point seems to be - When and Where?
View the video for yourself. It's difficult to take facts and simply brush them aside, but for the sake of this world, I do hope all of this is wrong, but I wouldn't bet money on it.