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May 23, 2013

California Traditional Ammunition Ban Vote Tomorrow?

The California Assembly could vote as early as Thursday on legislation that bans all traditional ammunition for hunting. It is urgent to make calls urging opposition now. NSSF is asking all California retailers to post a copy of this alert in their stores and to personally call their Assembly members expressing their opposition to AB 711. AB 711, if passed and signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, would extend the now limited Condor range ban on traditional lead ammunition to the entire state. The ban could go into effect as soon as the 2016 hunting season.

AB 711 would ban all rifle or pistol ammunition available for hunting in California and thus no hunting. Hunters would find themselves in the position of having a hunting season but not having any lawful rifle or pistol hunting ammunition that can be used.

The impact would be a substantial loss of business for retailers that sell ammunition and hunting related accessories and equipment.

As a result, the majority of the estimated $500 million in government tax revenue generated by sportsmen in California annually would disappear. Overall, sportsmen and women spend about $3.5 billion in California each year. The impact of sportsmen on the economy of California is tremendous.

AB 711 would cause a significant loss of sales tax revenue for state and local governments. It could additionally add to the unemployment problem and thus cause a loss of income tax revenue for the state as well.

You can contact legislators here and urge them to OPPOSE AB 711 Today

California Traditional Ammunition Ban Vote Tomorrow?

May 19, 2013

RED ALERT: Obama Administration to Sign U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

Just when we all thought the gun debate was dying down, the Obama administration has said it is now pursuing to sign the UN Arms treaty in the “near future”. On April 2nd, 2013, the UN general assembly voted 153-4 to proceed with the arms treaty, with the United States voting in favor of the bill.

So what exactly does the arms treaty do to us as Americans? It’s a complex ban, still in prototype but the main force of the bill is to regulate the international trade in conventional weapons.

The treaty is expected to be signed by the Obama administration by June 3rd, 2013.