Now in it's second season, The Walking Dead has become one of America's favorite TV Shows. To be honest, I had not watched the show because I really don't think we need to worry about a sudden Zombie infestation, but after giving it some thought I figured I might be able to glean some tips on Survival even if they were Hollywood tips.
After just a few episodes I have to admit that I'm a bit concerned. I've heard that a lot of Preppers are watching this show. Hopefully, this is for entertainment only, because as far as any tips on Survival, all I can saw is, "there are none". I really hope that Preppers are not identifying with the cast of characters in any way. If they are, then they are missing the entire concept of being a Prepper, in the first place.
From this Prepper's viewpoint, the zombies represent a catestropic event. This could be an economic collapse, earthquake, volcano erruption, or even a Polar Shift. The cast of the show are nothing more than a scavenging group set out to take what ever they need, from who ever they come in contact with. This is the group of people that most Preppers are concerned with and have had to prepare for. Finally, a real representation of a Prepper is never seen in the show. Instead, they represent an unprepared mass of people as the survivors, when in fact we know that is not the case. This is the type of person that will survive even at the expense of those who have prepared.
So, if a Prepper is hoping to walk away with some tid-bit of information that might help them with thier own survival preparations - forget it. You'd probably get more out of a re-run of "Chuck".
As Preppers, we don't prepare to become a scavenger. Instead, we prepare to be a self-sustaining unit, who are also able to fend off a wandering, band of scavengers, like those in the show, "The Walking Dead".
Editor, The Prepper Daily
Be Ready - Be Prepared