For many of us, this was our beginning into the life of Preppers. Food, guns, ammo, medical supplies - these were but a few of the areas that people tried to make sure they had adequately prepared for. Until this time most of these items were only known to those who enjoyed the outdoors, such as backpackers and hunters. But it didn't take long before pantries, across the US, were becoming stocked with long-term, dry food items.
December of 1999 was a very tense time, as we all waited for the lights to go out and the electronic infrastructure to collapse. On January 1st, 2000, the mood suddenly changed. Some felt they've been duped, Many gave their stored food items to local charities. Others looked for new conspiracies to follow so as to justify their continuing efforts. But a small, dedicated faction looked at their past efforts and found that for the most part they liked the idea that they had become self sufficient. It was this small group that would go on to form a movement which we know today as "Preppers".
The motivating philosophy of the Prepper is that they don't need a disaster has reason to prepare, instead they watch an unstable world, where anything can happen, at any time. Their goal is to make sure that their family and your loved ones are well taken care of no matter what might come.
Since Y2K we've had several scares along the way, such as that terrible day we know as 9-11, a super volcano, and most recently a dark star known as Nibiru, which was supposed to hit our planet but missed. In fact, it never showed up. However, another pending event is fast approaching us. Media, scholars, historians, conspiracy theorists, and even Hollywood, are all telling us - "this is it" - "the end of the world as we know it". The Mayan count-down to the end of the world.

Reportedly, December 21, 2012 will be the most important date for all of Humanity. According to the ancient Mayans this date is to be the beginning of a new cycle for Mankind. Oh rest assured, it is supposed to be packed with all kinds of gloom and doom. Things falling from the skies, earthquakes, a total global up-heaval, and then there is the end of mankind.
There are two things that bother me about this event. First, it falls on my birthday. That just doesn't seem fair. No cake, ice cream, no presents! I'm getting jipped! But what also concerns me is what happens on December 22, 2012? What happens when Preppers no longer have a reason to prepare? At least not one that they can see or read about on the Internet.
I can foresee pantries returning to that spare bedroom or basement storage area and many Food Banks taking delivery of tons of long term storage food. Some will look long and hard for a new reason to prepare, but soon become discouraged when nothing pops up on the radar. But there will be a small group, who don't need a reason to prepare, for them it has become a way of life. For those in this small, select group of people, I highly recommend setting aside some cash because Ebay will be loaded with survival goods, all being sold at digruntaled, discounted prices.
Where do I stand on all of this? I'll be sniping bids and buying up back-country survival cabins. Happy Bidding!