There's a part of me that hopes these things are all just massive coincidences... but I really can't hear that tiny part amid my roaring certainty that something is just not right...
- Obama to Denver Bunker Facility
- Congress goes on vacation. Many are heading to the Denver Bunker Facility
- NASA top scientists are going to be in Denver for what talks regarding the International Space Station. Ironic that they chose the end of September for this meeting. Not long ago NASA published a video, warning their employees of possible catastrophic scenarios and how to prepare for them.
- DEVCON1 a maximum readiness alert drill is scheduled for 27 September, the same time that Obama and Congress will be at the Denver Bunker Facility.
- United Nations (UN) has a clear schedule during this time period, (from 23 Sept until 10 Oct)
- Pope leaves Germany on 24 Sept. and his schedule is totally empty until mid Oct.
- England, Parliament is on vacation until 10 Oct
- Prince William is attending pilot training, here in the US, during this time period.
- The Queen's schedule is empty until the 13th of October
- Prince Phillip's schedule empty until the 4th of October.
- German president has nothing on her schedule, after 25th Sept.
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) is in session from September 23-25, and does not return until October
- World Bank has a meeting, which will take place in Washington D.C., on September 23 and end on the 25th. Next meetings are in October.
- Russian Duma (parliament) is going on vaction until mid October

Elenin is reported to be heading our direction and will form an alignment, on 26 September. There have been several recent alignments with this Comet. Oddly enough, they were on the same days that we had massive earthquakes. They were the Chile, Christ Church and Japan earthquakes. This time, the comet is said to be much closer and may produce 10-15 magnitude quakes. Additionally, what many are concerned with is not the possibility of large earthquakes, but what is in the tail of Elenin... asteroids, and a lot of them. Could this be why people "in the know" are heading to underground cities? Is this why these same facilities have been storing up large amounts of food, water and seeds? I guess we'll know in just a few days. Are you ready?