By Paul McGuire

"Imagine downtown Los Angeles, New York, or Washington, where 100,000 inhabitants from garbage collectors to CEO’s, in kindergarten classes to nursing homes, suddenly without warning begin drowning in their bodily fluids or suffocating on swollen tongues as mucous pours out from every orifice…people convulsing so violently that internal organs are displaced and then shut down in terrifying manifestations of agony."
In the event of a biological plague, such as the one in the movie, Contagion, America would be ruled by Martial Law quickly. Every military and scientific effort would be used to stop the spread of infection. Entire cities would be barricaded by military troops. If scientists believed that a city or town was terminally infected, that town or city would be burnt to the ground using the most powerful weapons available to contain the spread of the disease and keep anyone infected from escaping. The military would confine people to special zones, camps and cities. All free travel either by car, foot, air or boat would stop.

The transportation of people, animals, food, supplies, water and other things would stop instantly. Government organizations like FEMA would move into high-gear and control entire regions. The mysterious FEMA camps would be up and operational. It would become obvious what the FEMA coffins distributed around the United States were for. The elite would be escape to remote islands and massive underground cities. Piles of infected bodies, houses, buildings, towns and cities would be incinerated.