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May 23, 2013

California Traditional Ammunition Ban Vote Tomorrow?

The California Assembly could vote as early as Thursday on legislation that bans all traditional ammunition for hunting. It is urgent to make calls urging opposition now. NSSF is asking all California retailers to post a copy of this alert in their stores and to personally call their Assembly members expressing their opposition to AB 711. AB 711, if passed and signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown, would extend the now limited Condor range ban on traditional lead ammunition to the entire state. The ban could go into effect as soon as the 2016 hunting season.

AB 711 would ban all rifle or pistol ammunition available for hunting in California and thus no hunting. Hunters would find themselves in the position of having a hunting season but not having any lawful rifle or pistol hunting ammunition that can be used.

The impact would be a substantial loss of business for retailers that sell ammunition and hunting related accessories and equipment.

As a result, the majority of the estimated $500 million in government tax revenue generated by sportsmen in California annually would disappear. Overall, sportsmen and women spend about $3.5 billion in California each year. The impact of sportsmen on the economy of California is tremendous.

AB 711 would cause a significant loss of sales tax revenue for state and local governments. It could additionally add to the unemployment problem and thus cause a loss of income tax revenue for the state as well.

You can contact legislators here and urge them to OPPOSE AB 711 Today

California Traditional Ammunition Ban Vote Tomorrow?

May 19, 2013

RED ALERT: Obama Administration to Sign U.N. Arms Trade Treaty

Just when we all thought the gun debate was dying down, the Obama administration has said it is now pursuing to sign the UN Arms treaty in the “near future”. On April 2nd, 2013, the UN general assembly voted 153-4 to proceed with the arms treaty, with the United States voting in favor of the bill.

So what exactly does the arms treaty do to us as Americans? It’s a complex ban, still in prototype but the main force of the bill is to regulate the international trade in conventional weapons.

The treaty is expected to be signed by the Obama administration by June 3rd, 2013.

Read more at 

April 2, 2013

US On Alert

“Preparing for months without a commercial source of clean water (city water pressure is often dependent on electric pumping to storage towers) and stoppage of sewage treatment facilities will require net methods of survival particularly in populated areas,” the military study said."

U.S. on alert for nuclear blast overhead


WASHINGTON – U.S. officials quietly are expressing concern that North Korea could use its “space launch vehicle” to explode a high-altitude nuclear device over the United States, creating an electromagnetic pulse that would destroy major portions of the U.S. electrical grid system as well as the nation’s critical infrastructures.

The concern is so great that U.S. officials who watch North Korea closely are continually monitoring the status of the North Korean “space launch vehicle,” whose status could suggest a pre-emptive nuclear strike against the United States.
They are aware of the three-stage missile North Korea launched last December that also orbited a “package,” which experts say could be a test to orbit a nuclear weapon that then would be deorbited on command anywhere over the U.S. and exploded at a high altitude, creating an EMP effect.
This concern is in addition to North Korea’s latest threat to strike targets in Hawaii and the continental U.S., as well as possible attacks against U.S. bases in South Korea and Japan.
The 28-year-old North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, has signed an order for North Korea’s strategic rocket forces to be on standby to fire at U.S. targets.
The signing was against a photo backdrop following an emergency meeting of his senior military leaders showing large maps that were labeled “U.S. mainland strike plan, specifically at Hawaii, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and Austin, Texas.”


March 31, 2013

This Just In...


According to in-house memos now circulating, the DHS has issued orders to banks across America which announce to them that "under the Patriot Act" the DHS has the absolute right to seize, without any warrant whatsoever, any and all customer bank accounts, to make "periodic and unannounced" visits to any bank to open and inspect the contents of "selected safe deposit boxes."

Further, the DHS "shall, at the discretion of the agent supervising the search, remove, photograph or seize as evidence" any of the following items "bar gold, gold coins, firearms of any kind unless manufactured prior to 1878, documents such as passports or foreign bank account records, pornography or any material that, in the opinion of the agent, shall be deemed of to be of a contraband nature."

DHS memos also state that banks are informed that any bank employee, on any level, that releases "improper" "classified DHS Security information" to any member of the public, to include the customers whose boxes have been clandestinely opened and inspected and "any other party, to include members of the media" and further "that the posting of any such information on the internet will be grounds for the immediate termination of the said employee or employees and their prosecution under the Patriot Act."
Safety deposit box holders and depositors are not given advanced notice when failed banks shut their doors.

If people have their emergency money in a safe deposit box or an account in a bank that closes, they will not be allowed into the bank to get it out. They can knock on the door and beg to get in but the sheriff’s department or whoever is handling the closure will simply say “no” because they are just following orders.

Deposit box and account holders are not warned of the hazards of banking when they sign up. It is not until they need to get their cash or valuables out in a hurry that they find themselves in trouble.

Rules governing access to safe deposit boxes and money held in accounts are written into the charter of each bank. The charter is the statement of policy under which the bank is allowed by the government to do business. These rules are subject to change at any time by faceless bureaucrats who are answerable to no one. They can be changed without notice, without the agreement of the people, and against their will. People can complain but no one will care because this is small potatoes compared to the complaints that will be voiced when the executive order that governs national emergencies is enforced.

That order allows the suspension of habeas corpus and all rights guaranteed under the Bill of Rights.

A look at the fine print of the contract signed when a safety deposit box is opened reveals that in essence the signer has given to the bank whatever property he has put into that deposit box. When times are good people will be allowed open access to their safe deposit box and the property that is in it. This also applies to their bank accounts.

But when times get really bad, many may find that the funds they have placed on deposit and the property they thought was secured in the safe deposit box now belong to the bank, not to them. Although this was probably not explained to them when they signed their signature card, this is what they were agreeing to.

During the Great Depression in the early 1930’s people thought that many banks were going to fail. They were afraid they would lose their money so they went in mass to take it out, in what is known as a run on the banks. The government closed the banks to protect them from angry depositors who wanted their money back. Throughout history, governments have acted to protect the interests of banks and the wealthy people who own them, not the interests of depositors or box holders.

In a time of emergency, people will have no recourse if access to their safe deposit box and bank accounts is denied. If they are keeping money in a bank that would be needed in an emergency or in a time when credit is no longer free flowing, they may not be able to get it out of the bank. The emergency may occur at night or on a weekend or holiday when the bank is closed.

The solution is to take emergency cash or valuables out of the safe deposit box or bank account and secure them somewhere else, like in a home safe. An even better idea may be to close the safe deposit box account completely, letting someone else entertain the illusion of safety.
Americans have learned a few things since the Great Depression. They now have the FDIC to liquidate any failed banks.

The FDIC promises to set up a series of dates and times when safe deposit box renters can access their boxes by appointment to remove their property and surrender their keys. The FDIC also promises to mail bank customers an announcement of the dates for such events and include a question and answer page that addresses safe deposit box access.

The people have the FDIC to give them back the money they had on deposit that they were unable to get out of any failed bank that carries FDIC insurance. Sheila Bair, head of the FDIC, promises that depositor`s money will be available in 24 hours or less. But people should remember that the FDIC is just another bureaucracy, and it`s probably best not to rely on a bureaucracy in an emergency.



Read more:

March 5, 2013

Nuke Drill

Russian nuclear forces hold large exercise involving movement of strategic and tactical warheads

Nothing to see here - Move Along!

Russian nuclear forces conducted a major exercise last month that tested the transport of both strategic and tactical nuclear weapons near Europe, according to United States officials.
The exercise raised concerns inside the Pentagon and with the U.S. European Command because it was the largest exercise of its kind in 20 years and involved heightened alert status of Russian nuclear forces.
The nuclear drills were part of other military maneuvers in Russia carried out between Feb. 17 and Feb. 21.
The exercises followed a recent surge in Russian strategic bomber flights that include a recent circling of the U.S. Pacific island of Guam by two Tu-95 Bear bomber and simulated bombing runs by Tu-95s against Alaska and California in June and July.
Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Wesley P. Miller sought to play down the nuclear exercise but declined to comment on the movement of nuclear weapons and whether nuclear forces went on a heightened state of alert. “We don’t comment on intelligence matters,” he said.
Miller said the nuclear forces maneuvers were “nothing to be concerned about because the Russians, like us, have routine exercises and inspections.”
However, a U.S. official said the exercise was a concern within the U.S. national security community because of the scale of the exercise and the number of weapons being moved. “Certainly it’s a concern when you have this kind of exercise going on,” this official said.
The official said another worry is that Russia appears to be increasing the readiness of its nuclear forces at a time when the U.S. nuclear complex is in urgent need of upgrading and the military is facing sharp automatic defense cuts that could affect U.S. nuclear forces readiness in the future.
Contractors and employees of the National Nuclear Security Administration, which runs the nuclear weapons complex, were notified of possible furloughs under automatic spending cuts that went into effect March 1.
Miller said the administration remains committed to a safe, secure, and effective nuclear deterrent. “The administration will ensure continued focus on maintaining a strong nuclear deterrent as part of the president’s comprehensive approach to nuclear security,” under sequester, as the automatic spending cuts are called.
He quoted past Defense Secretary Leon Panetta as saying that no decisions on how cuts will be made but that “nothing will be off the table in our review of how best to proceed.”
According to the officials, the exercise involved Russia’s secretive 12th Main Directorate of the Defense Ministry, known by its acronym as 12th GUMO, the main military unit in charge of all nuclear weapons.
Details of the nuclear exercise are classified, but officials said the 12th GUMO transported a large number of nuclear arms from some of its nuclear munitions depots to storage sites during the exercises.
It could not be learned if the Russians provided advance notification of the strategic exercises.
Declassified U.S. intelligence reports have identified three large nuclear storage facilities near Europe, including one that is located miles from the intersection of the Russian, Latvian, and Belarusian borders. Two other nuclear storage complexes close to Europe are located at Zhukovka, near Belarus, and at Golovchino, near the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv.
The nuclear training coincided with the visit to Moscow by Rose Gottemoeller, acting undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, to discuss a new round of U.S.-Russian strategic arms talks.
The exercise did not come up during the meeting between Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Berlin Feb. 26.
Arms control experts say the Russians are required to notify the United States under the New START treaty of major strategic nuclear exercises that involve bomber flights.
It is not known whether the nuclear weapons were transported by air, rail, or truck during the 12th GUMO exercise.
Chief of the Russian General Staff Gen. Valery Gerasimov mentioned the nuclear exercise Feb. 22 when he said a surprise inspection of both conventional and nuclear forces was held.
Gerasimov said the exercises involved the 12th GUMO and the Central and Southern military districts and that they were the largest maneuvers of its kind in 20 years.
The drills began with orders for forces to go to “higher states of combat readiness and carry out combat training missions,” the website Russian Defense Policy reported. The exercises were also reported by the Voice of Russia and the Russian Defense Ministry website.
Several hundred pieces of equipment, 7,000 troops, and 48 aircraft took part, the general said.
The drills also involved moving forces to exercise areas far from normal deployment locations.
Gerasimov said the 98th Air-Assault Division at Ivanovo and the 4th Air Forces and Air Defense Command near Rostov performed well.
The troops were transported in IL-76 jets to an area near Chelyabinsk, which has large nuclear facilities, in difficult weather conditions.
Forces of a long-range aviation group and air defense also conducted bombing exercises and performed well, Gerasimov said.
The general did not say how the 12th GUMO fared in the exercises but said that overall “a number of systematic deficiencies in the state of combat readiness and lever of personnel training” were uncovered.
A 2008 State Department cable described the 12th GUMO as one of several key military units with direct control over nuclear weapons. “An attack or exploitation of any one of these could leave elements of the arsenal vulnerable,” the cable said. “While the impact on the U.S. might not be immediate, the danger of such elements falling into terrorists’ or extremists’ hands could pose a serious threat to the national security of the United States.”

February 28, 2013

Make Your Own Vinegar


Making your own homemade vinegar is a great way to save money and become more self-sufficient. With a simple process, you can create your own vinegar to add to your family’s food storage.

The majority of vinegars made by homesteaders are apple cider vinegars or some type of variation. The process is pretty simple and the materials are pretty easy to come by. Below, we’ve listed some directions on how you can make your own.

Sweet Sugar. Your alcohol that you’re creating will be a lot stronger if you don’t hold back on the sugar in the first step. The stronger the alcohol, the better the vinegar will keep on the shelf.

How to make vinegarStep 1: Making the Alcohol
You’ll need:

• Apple scraps or cores (You may use other fruit if you want to experiment)
• Large Mason Jars
• Sugar
• Water
• Cheesecloth or flour sack cloth
• Bungee cord or twine

You’ll first want to place the fruit scraps in the large jar or container. In a separate container, add 1/4 cup sugar to every 1 quart of water. Stir well or until dissolved. Add the sugar water to the scraps until the fruit is covered in liquid.

Cover the container with a cheesecloth or sackcloth and tie the top down with a cord. This will allow the contents to breath but still keep out fruit flies or bees. Place the container in an area that maintains a 65-80 degrees F temperature. Check the containers daily and allow the concoction to sit for about a week. If the liquid begins to bubble, don’t worry; just allow it to finish its bubbling process.

Step 2: Converting the Alcohol to Vinegar
You’ll need:

• Strainer
• Cheesecloth
• Wide-top Jar

Once the liquid is no longer bubbling and has darkened, it’s ready for the next process. Remove the cheesecloth or sackcloth and strain the contents to remove large chunks of the fruit. Once you’ve strained the contents, filter them through the cheesecloth in order to remove smaller particles. Once you’ve strained and filtered the contents, place the liquid in a wide-topped container. You’ll want the mixture to react with a lot of oxygen and need a large opening to do so. After you’re done, place a cheesecloth cover on top of the jar and store in a faintly lighted area.

Storing the contents in a well-light area will prevent the alcohol turning to vinegar. This is also the time when you have to hope that the right bacteria are in the mixture.

The bacterium that reacts to make vinegar is prominent in our atmosphere but many times, in hot and humid areas, there are lots of other bacteria in the atmosphere which will ruin the concoction. You’ll want to keep an eye on the mixture and see if it changes. Maintain the temperature of the room as much as possible. This process can take anywhere from a few weeks to 6 months.

Keep watching the mixture to see if a film begins to form on the surface. This brown-grey film is what is referred to as the Mother. If you see that film begin to form, you know that it’s working correctly. If you see the film, leave it alone and let the Mother do its work. When the mother sinks to the bottom, you’ll know it’s finished.

You can use the Mother in your next batch and add it to the mixture at the beginning of step 2 to get a jumpstart on your bacterial growth.

Once the Mother has sunk to the bottom, strain the mixture through the cheesecloth until it reaches the desired strength that you’d like. Store the vinegar in a glass container and remember not to use a metal lid.

Helpful Hints
Be Clean. Creating vinegar is a process of fermentation. However, you want the right bacteria to be growing in the jar of vinegar. If you aren’t washing your hands and allow foreign bacteria from your hands or the countertop you’re working on to get inside the container, the vinegar probably won’t turn out right.

Storing Your Vinegar

Don’t Use Metal Containers. We recommend using a mason jar to hold your vinegar. Placing vinegar inside metal containers will react badly and create a metallic taste or even poison.

Lots of Options
The process of making vinegar has been around for thousands of years – thus, there are a lot of different ways to make it! We’ve also heard of people making honey vinegar, berry vinegars and using apple cider to create apple cider vinegar.


February 25, 2013


I gave this article some thought.  Should I include this, after writing the recent “Gun Control” articles and adding the videos???  Then I decided that since I’m writing about one “stink”, I may as well write about another “stink”.  Both cause division, but this one can be fixed.  So, here it is!

You might want to hurry and get your deodorant cooking, before the powers that be come out with “Deodorant Control” (it might be covered under NDAA also).  Hey!  The way things are going… it could happen!  Just imagine… the major population (who failed to store up deodorant) starts getting ripe, and then it happens… the sound of Drones buzzing overhead, equipped with Sniffer Sensors.  You won’t stand a chance (providing the others in your party don’t give you the boot long before the Drones show up). 

Deodorant is very easy to make.  Aside from being able to save money, this is a great way to become a little more self-sufficient. Rather than dish out a few dollars for deodorant, now you can spend just a few cents and make your own. 

Deodorant may seem like a minor item, but after a few days, everyone in your party is going to wish that you paid attention to this article and even copied the directions down.  Remember, everyone in your party carries live ammo.  So, get to work now, making your very own deodorant. 

Homemade Deodorant Recipe

You’ll need:
• 1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
• 1/2 Cup Baking Soda

How to make your own deodorant 

• 1 ½ Tbl Beeswax Pellets
• 1/2 Cup Cornstarch
• A Double Boiler
• Empty Deodorant Tube

1. Add coconut oil and beeswax pellets into a small saucepan
2. Slowly melt the contents over very low heat.
3. While the contents are slowly melting, be sure that your old deodorant tube is empty and washed out.
3. Once the contents are melted, remove from heat and add baking soda and corn starch. Mix with spoon until smooth and creamy.
4. Add essential oils or scents as desired at this point and mix well.
5. Pour the mixture into the old deodorant tube and allow to settle and solidify.

No Heat Required Recipe

You’ll need:
• 6 Tbl Coconut Oil
• 1/4 Cup Baking Soda
• 1/4 Cup Cornstarch
• Glass Jar

1. Mix the baking soda and cornstarch together in a medium-sized mixing bowl.
2. Mash in coconut oil with a fork until it’s mixed well.
3. Add oils or scents as desired.
4. Store in a small glass jar or old deodorant tube if you prefer.

Spray-On Deodorant Recipe

You’ll need:
• 1/2 cup Witch Hazel
• 1/4 cup Aloe Vera Gel
• 1/4 tsp Baking Soda

1. Add all contents into a spray bottle and shake well before use.

Tips for Homemade Deodorant Use

Give it a few days. You’ve probably been using chemically-packed deodorants for years. Give it a few days for your body to adjust to the less-harsh homemade deodorant.

If it’s too itchy? If you have very sensitive skin, you may notice that the homemade deodorant is itchy at times. If that’s the case, ease up on the baking soda in your recipes. Instead, add a little more cornstarch to the equation. By adding less baking soda, the deodorant will become less ”cakey” and won’t itch as much.

Most important Tip:  Make an extra stick and give it to your friend.

February 14, 2013

.....GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN..... Dick Act of 1902 - Can't be Repealed

The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.

The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.

The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.

The National Guard Militia can only be required by the National Government for limited purposes specified in the Constitution (to uphold the laws of the Union; to suppress insurrection and repel invasion). These are the only purposes for which the General Government can call upon the National Guard.

Attorney General Wickersham advised President Taft, "the Organized Militia (the National Guard) can not be employed for offensive warfare outside the limits of the United States."

The Honorable William Gordon, in a speech to the House on Thursday, October 4, 1917, proved that the action of President Wilson in ordering the Organized Militia (the National Guard) to fight a war in Europe was so blatantly unconstitutional that he felt Wilson ought to have been impeached.

During the war with England an attempt was made by Congress to pass a bill authorizing the president to draft 100,000 men between the ages of 18 and 45 to invade enemy territory, Canada. The bill was defeated in the House by Daniel Webster on the precise point that Congress had no such power over the militia as to authorize it to empower the President to draft them into the regular army and send them out of the country.

The fact is that the President has no constitutional right, under any circumstances, to draft men from the militia to fight outside the borders of the USA, and not even beyond the borders of their respective states. Today, we have a constitutional LAW which still stands in waiting for the legislators to obey the Constitution which they swore an oath to uphold.

Charles Hughes of the American Bar Association (ABA) made a speech which is contained in the Appendix to Congressional Record, House, September 10, 1917, pages 6836-6840 which states: "The militia, within the meaning of these provisions of the Constitution is distinct from the Army of the United States." In these pages we also find a statement made by Daniel Webster, "that the great principle of the Constitution on that subject is that the militia is the militia of the States and of the General Government; and thus being the militia of the States, there is no part of the Constitution worded with greater care and with more scrupulous jealousy than that which grants and limits the power of Congress over it."

"This limitation upon the power to raise and support armies clearly establishes the intent and purpose of the framers of the Constitution to limit the power to raise and maintain a standing army to voluntary enlistment, because if the unlimited power to draft and conscript was intended to be conferred, it would have been a useless and puerile thing to limit the use of money for that purpose. Conscripted armies can be paid, but they are not required to be, and if it had been intended to confer the extraordinary power to draft the bodies of citizens and send them out of the country in direct conflict with the limitation upon the use of the militia imposed by the same section and article, certainly some restriction or limitation would have been imposed to restrain the unlimited use of such power."

The Honorable William Gordon

Congressional Record, House, Page 640 - 1917

February 12, 2013

Expecting Civil Unrest

A news article appeared in the Beaufort Gazette. The article stated that later this week about 150 Marines and Navy personnel will hold realistic urban training in Jasper County, South Carolina.

This was one of many joint military-local law enforcement exercises that had come to my attention in less than one month. Held in cities across the U.S., they were becoming more common and more intense. But why? Why train in populated towns and cities where accidents could produce unnecessary casualties?

The Gazette further reported that the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit will train within Ridgeland town limits. The times and exact locations for the training are not being announced, according to 2nd Lt. Gerard R. Farao.

A high-ranking, military source in DHS, who preferred to remain unnamed for obvious reasons, said that, “DHS and DOD are conducting desensitizing exercises all across the U.S.,” he said, “we’re being prepared for mass civil unrest in major U.S. cities. DOD will be expected to help – when we’re requested.”

When asked if there was a timeline for the civil unrest and what was to be the catalyst, he said, "there are many reasons, like the devaluation of our currency, the predicted history-high prices for gasoline this summer and the on-going Gun Control are all working to create a perfect storm, and when it hits, it will produce mass casualties."  As for when?... "This summer".

So, from a high-ranking source deep within DHS, who has strong DOD ties, we are being told that joint DOD-local law enforcement exercises are to desensitize us to military occupation. When asked if there was any concern about violating Posse Comitatus, he stated “no concern at all,” and added, “That’s been a non-issue for a long time.”

All that we need to decide is whether to "Dig-In" or "Bug-Out".   Have you made your plans?  more

February 4, 2013

Obama ‘Furious’ Over White House ‘Skeet Shooting’ Picture Being Altered

The White House has released a picture purporting to show President Obama “skeet shooting” at Camp David.  An activity he claims he does “all the time.”
The White House also warns all you mischievous internet types to not mess around with the picture:
“This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.”
This is from a posting from SadHill News.  (click here)

My wife thought of calling 911, when I fell off my desk chair.  Fortunately, she notice that I was not having a convulsion, I was laughing my butt off after reading the article from SandHill and looking at the pictures.  
Oh, I'm sure that everyone is going to leave this photo alone.  Ya, sure!  No one is going to use photoshop on this... because all of the good ideas have been used...hahahahahahahaha!

January 31, 2013

1100 Special Forces Protecting the Second Amendment

In response to this, all I can say is; "thank you and may God bless you".

29 January 2013
We are current or former Army Reserve, National Guard, and active duty US Army Special Forces soldiers (Green Berets). We have all taken an oath to “ and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.…” The Constitution of the United States is without a doubt the single greatest document in the history of mankind, codifying the fundamental principle of governmental power and authority being derived from and granted through the consent of the governed. Our Constitution established a system of governance that preserves, protects, and holds sacrosanct the individual rights and primacy of the governed as well as providing for the explicit protection of the governed from governmental tyranny and/or oppression. We have witnessed the insidious and iniquitous effects of tyranny and oppression on people all over the world. We and our forebears have embodied and personified our organizational motto, De Oppresso Liber [To Free the Oppressed], for more than a half century as we have fought, shed blood, and died in the pursuit of freedom for the oppressed.

Like you, we are also loving and caring fathers and grandfathers. Like you, we have been stunned, horrified, and angered by the tragedies of Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Fort Hood, and Sandy Hook; and like you, we are searching for solutions to the problem of gun-related crimes in our society. Many of us are educators in our second careers and have a special interest to find a solution to this problem. However, unlike much of the current vox populi reactions to this tragedy, we offer a different perspective. <read more>

Cook'n on Your Car Engine

With the Superbowl right around the corner, everyone will be enjoying "Tailgate Parties", that is providing you have a tailgate on your car.  But not to worry if you don't!  Just walk around to the front of your car and raise the hood to your Engine compartment... we're going to cook on the Engine!

First of all, here's a few things we'll need:  Meat, Veggies, Tin Foil... and a Full Tank of Gas.

1. Spread multiple sheets of heavy-duty tin foil on top of each other. You’ll want to create a sheet with multiple layers so that no juices or food escape the bag during heating. It’s better to have too much tin foil rather than too little.

2. Spray the tin foil with butter or a non-stick spray.

3. Add a single serving of a meal of your choice to the center of the tin foil sheet. You can add a slice of meat along with some vegetables and seasoning.

4. Do not use meat that is overly juicy.  If the juices escape your Tin Foil Cookery, it can cause quite a mess on your engine, and who wants to drive a car that every time you rev the motor, it smells like Hot Wings.

5. With the serving of food in the middle of the tin foil sheets, fold the right half of the tin foil to the middle of the dish and press the tin foil together. Then fold the left side to the middle and secure... (SAY WHAT?... Heck, just throw your grub in the foil and crimp the edges... done!)

6. Chefs, start your engines!

7.  Once the engine starts to warm up, you can feel different temperatures in the engine compartment.  The hot areas are best for meats, while the warm areas should be used for vegetables.  If you're going to be driving, it's best to use a cooler area of the motor so you don't burn your dinner.   Also, be sure to secure your food if you're going to be driving or else those Ribs could be mistaken for Road Kill.  It's also a good idea to not block or obstruct Throttle Linkage for obvious reasons.

8.  As far as seasonings;  Unleaded should not flavor your dish very much, however exhaust can add a unique taste to both Pork and Chicken (beef is a little more forgiving).  If you have a Diesel... bring lots of Hot Sauce and Catsup.

NOTE:  If you have a Turbo, be extra careful to not place anything in front of the Intake.  All it takes is one pump of the Gas Pedal and you'll suck a Wing in your Turbo, which will get lodged in the Throttle Body.  This is a difficult repair to have to explain to your mechanic the next day.

Cooking Temperature Guideline (engine at idle):

• Shrimp – 1/2 hour
• Salmon – 45-55 minutes
• Boneless Chicken – 1 hour
• Pork Tenderloin – 4-6 hours

Cook Times if you plan on driving your vehicle (65 mph)

• Shrimp – 35 miles
• Salmon – 40 miles
• Boneless Chicken – 60 miles
• Pork Tenderloin – 200-300 miles

Here's some recipes to get you started.  

Good & Simple Cajun Shrimp/Crayfish – Cooking distance: 35 miles


• 1 pound large shrimp or crayfish tails, in shells.
• 6 small green hot peppers
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1 medium onion, finely chopped
• Butter or spread
• Salt & pepper

Remove seeds from peppers and mince with the onion and garlic. Butter your foil, add the shrimp and cover with your spicy mixture. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper, then triple-wrap and place in a medium-heat part of the engine. Delicious, seasoned, spicy shrimp or crayfish await.

Any-City Chicken Wings (sweet) – Cooking distance: 140-200 miles


• 18 chicken wings
• 1/2 cup ketchup
• 1 cup red wine vinegar
• 1-2 tsp red pepper flakes
• 4-6 minced jalapenos
• 3 cloves garlic
• 1 tbsp oregano
• Pinch of salt

Blend together all of the ingredients (except wings) and pour over chicken wings. Cover tightly in the fridge for at least 24 hours. Drain wings (save the marinade) and divide into three foil packages. Brush with marinade, then triple-wrap each package tightly and place on medium-hot part of the engine.

Another Rock Headed to Earth!

Asteroid 2012-DA14 will pass very close to Earth on Feb. 15, 2013 (NASA)

A rock approximately 165 feet wide is going to fly by the Earth on the 15th of Feb, 2013.  The Asteroid is traveling at a speed of 17,800 mph and set to come as close as 17,200 miles of our planet.  This is closer that some of our satellites.  NASA uses a very technical phrase when they refer to an event like this, they call is "a close call".  

NASA scientists say that there should not be a problem and that we should not expect an impact.  So, providing this rock stays it's course and doesn't change, we should be ok. 

January 30, 2013

 "A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but the should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government."  (George Washinton)

President George Washington left us with not only wise words, but a glimpse of his vision for America.  He had seen what it was like to be under the rule of the British Empire.  Our forefathers knew it was better to live as freemen than to live as slaves. So, they stood against oppression. I'm sure they would do the same today.  So, I guess the question here is... what happened to American men?

January 27, 2013

“Anti-Gun” Senator Shoots Intruder

According to, long time Anti-Gun Advocate State Senator R.C. Soles, 74, shot one of two intruders at his home just outside Tabor City , N.C. about 5 p.m. Sunday, the prosecutor for the politician's home county said.
"The intruder, Kyle Blackburn, was taken to a South Carolina hospital, but the injuries were not reported to be life-threatening, according to Rex Gore, district attorney for Columbus, Bladen andBrunswick counties..
The State Bureau of Investigation and Columbus County Sheriff's Department are investigating the shooting, Gore said. Soles, who was not arrested,declined to discuss the incident Sunday evening.
"I am not in a position to talk to you," Soles said by telephone. "I'm right in the middle of an investigation."
The Senator, who has made a career of being against gun ownership for the general public, didn't hesitate to defend himself with his own gun when he believed he was in immediate danger and he was the victim.
In typical hypocritical liberal fashion, the "Do as i say and not as i do" Anti-Gun Activist Lawmaker picked up his gun and took action in what apparently was a self-defense shooting. Why hypocritical you may ask? It is because his long legislative record shows that the actions that he took to protect his family, his own response to a dangerous life threatening situation, are actions that he feels ordinary citizens should not have if they were faced with an identical situation.
It has prompted some to ask if the Senator believes his life and personal safety is more valuable than yours or mine."

January 26, 2013

Oops! $114 billion



More than $114 billion exited the biggest U.S. banks this month, and nobody’s quite sure why.


The Federal Reserve releases data on the assets and liabilities of commercial banks every Friday. The most current figures, covering the first full week of 2013, show the largest one-week withdrawals since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Even when seasonally adjusted, the level drops to $52.8 billion—still the third-highest amount on record, and one for which bank experts and analysts were reluctant to give a definitive explanation.

The most obvious culprit is the expiration of the Transaction Account Guarantee program, the extraordinary federal effort to shore up the country’s non-gigantic banks during the 2008 financial crisis. Big banks were considered “too big to fail,” while smaller ones were vulnerable to runs. The TAG program backstopped their deposit bases by temporarily offering unlimited insurance on money kept in non-interest-bearing accounts. That guarantee ended on Dec. 31, so a decrease in deposits would be expected first thing in January.  <more>

Will They Shoot American Citizens?



Reports surfaced Jan. 22 that Dr. Jim Garrow, a 2009 Peace Prize Nominee, made a stunning claim on his Facebook page.  Apparently, he had been informed, by a top military member, that the Obama administration had started a new test for its newly appointed military leaders.  These future leaders are being asked whether or not they will follow orders given to them - to engage and fire on American citizens. 

As the founder of an organization known as,”The Pink Pagoda Girls”, Dr. Jim Garrow has been instrumental in “helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death”. These girls had fallen victim to what is known as gendercide. His work has also led to a high degree of credibility, which makes this claim all the more disturbing and totally deserving of attention.

The recent post on his Facebook page has cause a bit of a stir;

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. Those who will not are being removed.”

Alex and his staff, at, reported that Garrow later said his main purpose for coming forward with this information was to “sound the alarm”.  An alarm that has been heard all across our globe.

The profound testament, made by Dr.Garrow and posted on his Facebook page, comes on the heels of events currently taking place, which by themselves are causing a great deal of turmoil in the good ole’ USA. 

Recent, brewing Gun Control measures, huge amounts of ammunition requisitioned by all branches of Federal Government and the rumors of Foreign Military on our soil to be used during a massive Martial Law declaration, only serve to validate the claim made by Dr. Garrow.  This chain of events seems to be lining up for something major to happen.  Unfortunately, it appears that it will involve all of us, even you!  So, I think the correct response is to stock up on Rice and Beans and get ready to “dig in” and pray that all of this is incorrect.

January 25, 2013

Gun Ban is on the Way



U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) discusses the bill to ban what are being called assault weapons.  January 24, 2013, U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) said that she is going to introduce a bill to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds.  Senator Feinstein said that this is an attempt to stop gun violence.
Read more:

January 24, 2013

Civil War to Overthrow the US Government

The fears of foreign troops on our soil, waiting to assist with Martial Law and Gun Confiscation, in addition to the myriad of restrictions being placed on all of us, seems to have ignited one, who goes by the name  “Anonymous”.

In his latest video, the movement or group has called for the most aggressive action yet. They’re asking the American people to join them in a “call to arms” for the destruction and overthrow of the US Government.
Civil War in the USA?  Seriously, I think all of us expected this to happen sooner or later.  However, I think we were all hoping for it to happen later.  Well, hang on!  It looks like it’s going to be a wild ride ahead of us…


“The United States Government insists on labeling us as terrorists. The question is, “who do we terrorize?” Is it probable that the United States government is truly afraid of we, the people?”

“They are not calling for denial of service attacks on government websites or protests as is their normal modus operandi, but for freedom activists to join them in full-blown war to overthrow the US Government and return it to the control of the people.”

“We are not calling upon the collective to deface or use a distributed denial of service attack on a United States government agency website, or affiliate. We are not calling upon the people to once again occupy a city or protest in front of a local building, This has not brought on us any legislative change or alternate law. It has only brought us bloodshed and false criticism.”

“For the last 12 years, voting has been useless. Corporations and lobbyists are the true leaders of this country and are the ones with the power to control our lives, To rebuild our government, we must first destroy it. Our time for democracy is here, Our time for resolution is here, This is America’s time for revolution, To restore our constitutional rights, to once again, be free therefore, Anonymous along with the American people have decided to openly declare war on the United States government. This is a call to arms.”  Activist Post

Oregon Up In Smoke


Forget the Surgeon General, if you live in Oregon you may have to start watching over your shoulder for the “Cigarette Police”. 


Rep. Mitch Greenlick, from Portland Oregon has  introduced a bill in the State Legislature to reduce the number of addicted people.  So, if someone is wanting to quit smoking cigarettes, Oregon is the place to live.  According to Greenlick's Bill, he's added a bit of motivation to stop smoking.  Under Greenlick’s proposal, smokers would be charged with a misdemeanor and face up to one year’s imprisonment and a $6,250 fine for being caught with a cigarette or any of the other Schedule III controlled substances, including ketamine, lysergic acid and anabolic steroids.

The Greenlick Bill would classify cigarettes as a Schedule III controlled substance, making them illegal to purchase without a doctor’s prescription.  The bill also prohibits the State Board of Pharmacy from adopting rules that exempt any nicotine products from the legislation, which would include chewing tobacco, nicotine patches and gums, among others.


Law enforcement agencies would have the right to inspect all products that they believe might contain nicotine.  “A person commits the crime of unlawful possession of nicotine if the person knowingly possesses more than 0.1 milligram of nicotine,” the legislation states.

Passing such a bill would also prompt criminals to begin illegally selling cigarettes in Oregon, where they would be able to charge potential buyers more than in other states. Addicted smokers would pay large amounts of money to get ahold of cigarettes.  Oregon state would lose some of its tax revenue, since it currently receives about $1.18 per pack of cigarettes.

January 20, 2013

Earthquake: Prepare for the Big One - Los Angeles

This is probably bad news for all of metro California.
In a study published this week in the journal Nature, Caltech researchers argue that previously written-off stable segments of the planet can join in during a fault-slip earthquake in which two plates of earth slide past each other.

Scientists at the Pasadena school have discovered that such areas can be sleeping giants that can uncoil during super-quakes.
The new theory, presented by CalTech, reflects what can only be translated as “massive shaking”.  Now, the question we all have is that of “when such an event can be expected”. <read more>

January 19, 2013

How to Make a Snare

Knowing how to make a snare can be very helpful in an emergency situation. Imagine that you are stranded in the woods and need to find food quickly. If you have some snare wire in your backpack or emergency kit, you can easily catch some dinner.

Follow these instructions to learn how to create a snare in order to catch some food!

The first thing you’ll need to determine is where the prey is located. It’s not going to do you any good to set a trap where no animal will be.

You’ll want to look for signs of animals like tracks, droppings, plants that have been eaten, flattened vegetation, etc. The best area is probably around feeding areas or watering holes.

Noose and Loop
The simple snare is the basic tie behind any trap. Ideally, the animal would walk straight through the loop and set off the trap. You can start creating a simple snare by following these instructions:

Snare Wire 1
Wrap the end of the wire a few times around a stick.

Snare looping
Twist the ends of the wire together and over each other a few times.

Snare tie
Remove the stick and you should have a nice loop.

Tie Simple Snare
Thread the other end of the wire through the loop. You should be able to tighten the snare by pulling on one end.

You’ll want to set up your snare near some type of tree or shrub. A young tree is always a good engine because it’s bendable and quick to snap back into place.

You’ll be bending the sapling over and tying it down to the snare in order to act as tension. If you find yourself in an area void of trees or shrubs, you can always use dead weights like rocks.

The trigger consists of two parts: The hook and the leading line. The leading line connects the trigger to the engine – usually a wire of some sort.

The trigger is connected to the noose and should tighten very quickly when pulled by the engine.

You can build an effective trigger by finding two pieces of wood and carving interlocking notches into the sides of each. The base of the trigger should be sturdy and stay in the ground. The hook in the trigger should be able to slip out at the slightest touch, so that if an animal passes through the noose, the trigger will slip out and tighten up by being pulled with the engine.

You can also modify the trigger to connect directly to a fishing line. When the fish pulls on the bait, the trigger will release and the engine will tug on the fish – hooking it in. However, you have to be careful not to have an engine that pulls too hard and rips right out of the fish’s mouth.

Here are a few different options when building a trigger:

Carved snare trigger
Carved Trigger. This trigger is very effective but requires a knife or some type of carving utensil.

Y Snare Trigger
Y Trigger. This trigger is great when you’re stuck without a knife or carving tool. You can simply find two sticks and roughen the two edges.

Peg Snare Trigger
Peg Style Trigger. Rather than having a base that sticks into the ground, you can stick a peg into a nearby log, tree or stump. This also allows you to apply bait to the peg.

January 15, 2013

Oregon Sheriff says he won't enforce new gun laws

    The sheriff said he took an oath to support the Constitution, and laws preventing citizens from owning certain semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines would violate their rights.

    "We are Americans," Mueller wrote. "We must not allow, nor shall we tolerate, the actions of criminals, no matter how heinous the crimes, to prompt politicians to enact laws that will infringe upon the liberties of responsible citizens who have broken no laws."

    The sheriff figures Biden probably won't even receive his letter, but "it needed to be said, so I said it."

    "I tried to be as respectful as possible, but I also needed to get my point across," Mueller said. (read the full story)


January 10, 2013

95 Yr. Old Tells Obama–“Get Bent”

Harold, please don’t use your age as an excuse to tell Obama what you think. You may be 95, but the words you wrote, are speaking for those who no longer have a say in our Country. Those who fought and died the rights we cherish. Those, who if they lived today, would not be content to Tweet of write a Blog article (like this one). 

Today, in our country, the issue of black, white or beige,  is no longer a problem.  The only color problem is when a man chooses yellow -  over red, white and blue.  There seems to be a lot of that going on lately.  Fortunately for us, Harold Estes, is willing to stand up and speak his mind.  I think Red, White and Blue runs through his veins.  Maybe the rest of us could use a transfusion.
“Dear President Obama,

My name is Harold Estes, approaching 95 on December 13 of this year. People meeting me for the first time don’t believe my age because I remain wrinkle free and pretty much mentally alert.

I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1934 and served proudly before, during and after WW II retiring as a Master Chief Bos’n Mate. Now I live in a “rest home” located on the western end of Pearl Harbor , allowing me to keep alive the memories of 23 years of service to my country.

One of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt and direct even to the head man.

So here goes.

I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish.

I can’t figure out what country you are the president of.

You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like:
” We’re no longer a Christian nation”
” America is arrogant”
– (Your wife even announced to the world,” America is mean-spirited. ” Please tell her to try preaching that nonsense to 23 generations of our
war dead buried all over the globe who died for no other reason than to free a whole lot of strangers from tyranny and hopelessness.)

I’d say shame on the both of you, but I don’t think you like America, nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do, for the obvious gifts this country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House.

After 9/11 you said,” America hasn’t lived up to her ideals.”

Which ones did you mean? Was it the notion of personal liberty that 11,000 farmers and shopkeepers died for to win independence from the British? Or maybe the ideal that no man should be a slave to another man, that 500,000 men died for in the Civil War? I hope you didn’t mean the ideal 470,000 fathers, brothers, husbands, and a lot of fellas I knew personally died for in WWII, because we felt real strongly about not letting any nation push us around, because we stand for freedom.

I don’t think you mean the ideal that says equality is better than discrimination. You know the one that a whole lot of white people understood when they helped to get you elected.

Take a little advice from a very old geezer, young man.

Shape up and start acting like an American. If you don’t, I’ll do what I can to see you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue . You were elected to lead not to bow, apologize and kiss the hands of murderers and corrupt leaders who still treat their people like slaves.

And just who do you think you are telling the American people not to jump to conclusions and condemn that Muslim major who killed 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded dozens more. You mean you don’t want us to do what you did when that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in Massachusetts , who was putting up a fight? You don’t mind offending the police calling them stupid but you don’t want us to offend Muslim fanatics by calling them what they are, terrorists.

One more thing. I realize you never served in the military and never had to defend your country with your life, but you’re the Commander-in-Chief now, son. Do your job. When your battle-hardened field General asks you for 40,000 more troops to complete the mission, give them to him. But if you’re not in this fight to win, then get out. The life of one American soldier is not worth the best political strategy you’re thinking of.

You could be our greatest president because you face the greatest challenge ever presented to any president.

You’re not going to restore American greatness by bringing back our bloated economy. That’s not our greatest threat. Losing the heart and soul of who we are as Americans is our big fight now.

And I sure as hell don’t want to think my president is the enemy in this final battle…

Harold B. Estes