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January 26, 2013

Will They Shoot American Citizens?



Reports surfaced Jan. 22 that Dr. Jim Garrow, a 2009 Peace Prize Nominee, made a stunning claim on his Facebook page.  Apparently, he had been informed, by a top military member, that the Obama administration had started a new test for its newly appointed military leaders.  These future leaders are being asked whether or not they will follow orders given to them - to engage and fire on American citizens. 

As the founder of an organization known as,”The Pink Pagoda Girls”, Dr. Jim Garrow has been instrumental in “helping rescue more than 36,000 Chinese baby girls from death”. These girls had fallen victim to what is known as gendercide. His work has also led to a high degree of credibility, which makes this claim all the more disturbing and totally deserving of attention.

The recent post on his Facebook page has cause a bit of a stir;

“I have just been informed by a former senior military leader that Obama is using a new “litmus test” in determining who will stay and who must go in his military leaders. Get ready to explode folks. The new litmus test of leadership in the military is if they will fire on US citizens or not. Those who will not are being removed.”

Alex and his staff, at, reported that Garrow later said his main purpose for coming forward with this information was to “sound the alarm”.  An alarm that has been heard all across our globe.

The profound testament, made by Dr.Garrow and posted on his Facebook page, comes on the heels of events currently taking place, which by themselves are causing a great deal of turmoil in the good ole’ USA. 

Recent, brewing Gun Control measures, huge amounts of ammunition requisitioned by all branches of Federal Government and the rumors of Foreign Military on our soil to be used during a massive Martial Law declaration, only serve to validate the claim made by Dr. Garrow.  This chain of events seems to be lining up for something major to happen.  Unfortunately, it appears that it will involve all of us, even you!  So, I think the correct response is to stock up on Rice and Beans and get ready to “dig in” and pray that all of this is incorrect.