I gave this article some thought. Should I include this, after writing the recent “Gun Control” articles and adding the videos??? Then I decided that since I’m writing about one “stink”, I may as well write about another “stink”. Both cause division, but this one can be fixed. So, here it is!
You might want to hurry and get your deodorant cooking, before the powers that be come out with “Deodorant Control” (it might be covered under NDAA also). Hey! The way things are going… it could happen! Just imagine… the major population (who failed to store up deodorant) starts getting ripe, and then it happens… the sound of Drones buzzing overhead, equipped with Sniffer Sensors. You won’t stand a chance (providing the others in your party don’t give you the boot long before the Drones show up).
Deodorant is very easy to make. Aside from being able to save money, this is a great way to become a little more self-sufficient. Rather than dish out a few dollars for deodorant, now you can spend just a few cents and make your own.
Deodorant may seem like a minor item, but after a few days, everyone in your party is going to wish that you paid attention to this article and even copied the directions down. Remember, everyone in your party carries live ammo. So, get to work now, making your very own deodorant.
Homemade Deodorant Recipe
You’ll need:
• 1/2 Cup Coconut Oil
• 1/2 Cup Baking Soda

• 1 ½ Tbl Beeswax Pellets
• 1/2 Cup Cornstarch
• A Double Boiler
• Empty Deodorant Tube
1. Add coconut oil and beeswax pellets into a small saucepan
2. Slowly melt the contents over very low heat.
3. While the contents are slowly melting, be sure that your old deodorant tube is empty and washed out.
3. Once the contents are melted, remove from heat and add baking soda and corn starch. Mix with spoon until smooth and creamy.
4. Add essential oils or scents as desired at this point and mix well.
5. Pour the mixture into the old deodorant tube and allow to settle and solidify.
No Heat Required Recipe
You’ll need:
• 6 Tbl Coconut Oil
• 1/4 Cup Baking Soda
• 1/4 Cup Cornstarch
• Glass Jar
1. Mix the baking soda and cornstarch together in a medium-sized mixing bowl.
2. Mash in coconut oil with a fork until it’s mixed well.
3. Add oils or scents as desired.
4. Store in a small glass jar or old deodorant tube if you prefer.
Spray-On Deodorant Recipe
You’ll need:
• 1/2 cup Witch Hazel
• 1/4 cup Aloe Vera Gel
• 1/4 tsp Baking Soda
1. Add all contents into a spray bottle and shake well before use.
Tips for Homemade Deodorant Use
Give it a few days. You’ve probably been using chemically-packed deodorants for years. Give it a few days for your body to adjust to the less-harsh homemade deodorant.
If it’s too itchy? If you have very sensitive skin, you may notice that the homemade deodorant is itchy at times. If that’s the case, ease up on the baking soda in your recipes. Instead, add a little more cornstarch to the equation. By adding less baking soda, the deodorant will become less ”cakey” and won’t itch as much.
Most important Tip: Make an extra stick and give it to your friend.