Pastor Mark Holick of the Spirit One Christian Center, Wichita, Kansas, was arrest and convicted the other day, because he was handing out excerpts of the Bible, on a city sidewalk. Thanks to the video cameras in cell phones, the entire arrest was captured and placed on YouTube. Here's the link;
In his own defense he stated;

My own government called a foreign Islamist to testify for them against me, a born American, Christian peacefully handing out free Bibles. How sad, how incredibly sad.
The arresting officer said he is Christian. The court/judge says it/he is Christian. The prosecutor says he is Christian. The city attorney says he is Christian. Four of the six jurors say they are Christian. And I have been convicted for handing out free Bibles. Judgment must and will begin in the house of the Lord.
Read more:Verdict! Christians convict pastor for 'giving out Bibles'