At least 13 very powerful underground explosions rocked the United States Midwest in the last 48 hours. They registered as small shallow earthquakes with the USGS. Many of the underground high explosive detonations registered as 2.6 magnitude earthquakes. USGS evidence of small quake like activity of VA discussed below as “quake” that caused problems in DC. (read more)
September 26, 2011
1984 - The Here and Now
With the "War on Terrorism" winding down, and a "Patriot Act" that is still intact, the only logical choice is to turn the attention inwards, towards the people it was intended to protect, like those all too intimate TSA body searches. But if strong-armed fondling was not enough, how about monitoring your every action on the Internet, waiting for someone to say or insinuate something that might be wrong in the eyes of the Fed.
September 24, 2011
Another Outage Strikes
First it was the Blackout in Chile, now reports are coming in, saying that over 1,000 AT&T cell towers are down. This service is down through out the San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley and parts of the LA Basin. According to an AT&T spokesperson, service should be restored by Sunday. Both outages occur on the same day that we see a Class X Solar Storm.
Blackout in Chile - the worst is yet to come
A shot time ago, over 1/3 of Chile experienced a power outage. This loss of electricity is said to be affecting five Regions, so far. The power outage took place at 8:30 (Chile time) and is centered on the Central Interconnected System. According to Reuters News, the electricity has been restored to most of the effected areas.
September 20, 2011
September 19, 2011
The God of the Underworld Stands Tall at the Denver Airport
A few years ago, the town of Upland, California was hit with a huge scandal, all because the city had allowed the placement of Nativity scenes, in the center median, on one of the main streets. This same situation has been repeated throughout the entire United States. No prayer in schools. Altering the Pledge of Allegiance so that there would be no reference to God. Removing the Ten Commandments for Court Houses in almost every state. It's obvious that it is no longer "politically correct" to allow God in any aspect of our daily lives. But for some reason, it's alright to show honor and respect to the Egyptian God of the Dead and the Underworld, as they are doing at the Denver International Airport.
It wasn't enough that the interior walls of the airport were adorned in what could only be called bizarre apocalyptic paintings. Now, a 26 foot tall statue of Anubis will welcome visitors at the south end of the Jeppesen Terminal. And for those departing, I'm sure that Anubis will present an eerie message since his responsibility was helping out the newly dead on their final journey.
The 7 ton statue, of the Egyptian God, is a symbol of the King Tut Exhibit, which is on display. The exhibit reflects 2,000 years of ancient Egyptian history.
Interestingly, those Nativity scenes that were removed, were a symbol of 2,000 years of Christian history. I wonder if they will place a 26 foot tall Nativity scene near the south end of the terminal this Christmas, or if they'll choose to have the God of the Underworld instead.
Our country, the USA, was founded on Christian morals and principals, but it appears that in the attempt to preserve everyone's freedom of religion, they lost their own.
So, if the folks at the Denver International Airport were to say the Pledge of Allegiance, "One nation,under God...", or if they were to sing, "God Bless America", I'm just wondering which God are they referring to?
So, if the folks at the Denver International Airport were to say the Pledge of Allegiance, "One nation,under God...", or if they were to sing, "God Bless America", I'm just wondering which God are they referring to?
Also, see "Secret Underground City at Denver International Airport", located in the "MENU" under "VIDEO" on this site.
September 18, 2011
Why are THEY heading to the Bunkers?
There's a part of me that hopes these things are all just massive coincidences... but I really can't hear that tiny part amid my roaring certainty that something is just not right...
Elenin is reported to be heading our direction and will form an alignment, on 26 September. There have been several recent alignments with this Comet. Oddly enough, they were on the same days that we had massive earthquakes. They were the Chile, Christ Church and Japan earthquakes. This time, the comet is said to be much closer and may produce 10-15 magnitude quakes. Additionally, what many are concerned with is not the possibility of large earthquakes, but what is in the tail of Elenin... asteroids, and a lot of them. Could this be why people "in the know" are heading to underground cities? Is this why these same facilities have been storing up large amounts of food, water and seeds? I guess we'll know in just a few days. Are you ready?
- Obama to Denver Bunker Facility
- Congress goes on vacation. Many are heading to the Denver Bunker Facility
- NASA top scientists are going to be in Denver for what talks regarding the International Space Station. Ironic that they chose the end of September for this meeting. Not long ago NASA published a video, warning their employees of possible catastrophic scenarios and how to prepare for them.
- DEVCON1 a maximum readiness alert drill is scheduled for 27 September, the same time that Obama and Congress will be at the Denver Bunker Facility.
- United Nations (UN) has a clear schedule during this time period, (from 23 Sept until 10 Oct)
- Pope leaves Germany on 24 Sept. and his schedule is totally empty until mid Oct.
- England, Parliament is on vacation until 10 Oct
- Prince William is attending pilot training, here in the US, during this time period.
- The Queen's schedule is empty until the 13th of October
- Prince Phillip's schedule empty until the 4th of October.
- German president has nothing on her schedule, after 25th Sept.
- International Monetary Fund (IMF) is in session from September 23-25, and does not return until October
- World Bank has a meeting, which will take place in Washington D.C., on September 23 and end on the 25th. Next meetings are in October.
- Russian Duma (parliament) is going on vaction until mid October
Elenin is reported to be heading our direction and will form an alignment, on 26 September. There have been several recent alignments with this Comet. Oddly enough, they were on the same days that we had massive earthquakes. They were the Chile, Christ Church and Japan earthquakes. This time, the comet is said to be much closer and may produce 10-15 magnitude quakes. Additionally, what many are concerned with is not the possibility of large earthquakes, but what is in the tail of Elenin... asteroids, and a lot of them. Could this be why people "in the know" are heading to underground cities? Is this why these same facilities have been storing up large amounts of food, water and seeds? I guess we'll know in just a few days. Are you ready?
September 17, 2011
September 11, 2011
Fukushima Is Continually Blasting All Of Us With High Levels Of Cesium, Strontium And Plutonium And Will Slowly Kill Millions For Years To Come
Fukushima is now far and away the worst nuclear disaster in all of human history. Chernobyl was a Sunday picnic compared to Fukushima and the amount of cesium-137 released at Fukushima this year so far is equivalent to 168 Hiroshima bombs. The crisis at Fukushima is far, far worse than you have been told. We are talking about multiple self-sustaining nuclear meltdowns that will not be fully contained for years. (read more)
September 8, 2011
"Get Ready to Implement Your Survival Preparations"
People are being told to review their Emergency Survival Plans and Supplies and get ready to implement them. This came from Mike Niggli, President of San Diego Gas & Electric, in a Press Conference this evening.
"An event happened on a transmission line", this "event" has crippled the power grid that supplies electricity to the South Western United States. Could it be that this "event" could be a forerunner of things to come as we all wait and watch for possible terrorist activity associated with 9-9-11, tomorrow. As they say, "time will tell". Let's just hope and pray that this "event" is a forerunner of a "non-event".
"An event happened on a transmission line", this "event" has crippled the power grid that supplies electricity to the South Western United States. Could it be that this "event" could be a forerunner of things to come as we all wait and watch for possible terrorist activity associated with 9-9-11, tomorrow. As they say, "time will tell". Let's just hope and pray that this "event" is a forerunner of a "non-event".
Nuclear Power Plant Shuts Down - Southwestern USA hit by Power Outage
This San Diego, Convenience Store is not very convenient. A power outage has cut service from San Diego to Orange County, Arizona to Baja Mexico. A reported 6 million people are presently, without electricity this evening. According to a System Operator, a main line which connects Arizona to California has failed.
Paul Klein, a spokesman, for Southern California Edison said, that the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant, was forced into an automatic shutdown due to this loss of power. SoCal Edison said that they have no idea when power will return or when they can restart the Nuclear Power Plant.
Sempra Energy supplies gas and electricity to San Diego. Tonight, Jennifer Ramp, a Sempra spokes-person said that because of this outage, all 1.4 residents of their serving area are without power.
Although the actual reason for the outage is unknown at this time, fingers are beginning to point. According to Damon Gross, from the Arizona Public Service, one of their Utility employees had been working at the North Gila Substation, which is where they claim the problem originated.
So far, the majority of emergency service reports are coming from San Diego. These consisted of people being stranded on trains or in elevators. As of yet, there have been no injuries or deaths related to the outage.
September 7, 2011
Silver Straight Up
Some are forecasting that Silver should go to $50. Others are saying we could see Silver hit $150 an ounce. While we wait, I guees the only thing to say is;
"Hey Boys, get out the Rice, Beans and; Bullets", we might need 'em"
September 6, 2011
Pastor Arrested for Handing Out Bibles???
Pastor Mark Holick of the Spirit One Christian Center, Wichita, Kansas, was arrest and convicted the other day, because he was handing out excerpts of the Bible, on a city sidewalk. Thanks to the video cameras in cell phones, the entire arrest was captured and placed on YouTube. Here's the link;
In his own defense he stated;
Wichita, you are confused, I am not your enemy, Islam is. 'Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Islamists believe that it is okay to lie if it is to help in the cause of Allah.
My own government called a foreign Islamist to testify for them against me, a born American, Christian peacefully handing out free Bibles. How sad, how incredibly sad.
The arresting officer said he is Christian. The court/judge says it/he is Christian. The prosecutor says he is Christian. The city attorney says he is Christian. Four of the six jurors say they are Christian. And I have been convicted for handing out free Bibles. Judgment must and will begin in the house of the Lord.
Read more:Verdict! Christians convict pastor for 'giving out Bibles'
Ready for a Market Crash?
If you're not ready for a Stock Market crash then what ever you do, DON'T turn on your computer tomorrow or tune in to your favorite Financial News Network.
That's right! Things are looking gloomy for the market. I think we can safely predict a drop of 200 – 300 points in the DOW. So, if you are brave enough to watch, expect to see a lot of red on the board.
With the dollar (USD) getting weaker by the day, I expect to see Gold and Silver continue on their upward trend, that is until they decide to raise the margin AGAIN. This will cause a drop, but not to worry, it will be short lived and the metals will return to their up hill march. But as for the Stocks? Just say, "bye-bye".
September 5, 2011
Why Grocery Prices are Rising
A walk down any isle at the Grocery Store will reveal one thing…. prices are going up! The increase is seen in just about every food item, and there is a reason for this. Just about everything uses either “fillers” or “sweeteners”, both of which come from two main grains; wheat and corn.
The farmer is not the only one that will feel the impact. You, the consumer, will see it every time you go to the store, as prices will continue to climb higher and higher.
Wheat is used in our breads, pastries, and pasta and has been a principal crop since the 18th century. In addition to filling our domestic needs, wheat has been a major export item for many years. In the past few years, US wheat farmers have had to deal with changes in the climate, crop disease and natural disasters. Recent flooding of crop lands has basically destroyed thousands and thousands of acres of once fertile farm land. Many farms were totally wiped out when the levies were blown by the Corp of Engineers to aid in the flooding down stream. It will be many years before we see those lands worked again.
The global out-look is not much better. Russia has experienced a similar situation. A severe, two year, drought has forced them to cease all exporting of wheat. Now, they merely hoping that they can fill their own domestic needs and even that doesn’t look promising.
In Africa, fields of wheat have been decimated due to a disease known as "Wheat Rust UG99". The bigger problem is that “Wheat Rust UG99” is now spreading to many other wheat producing countries and at an alarming rate.
There seems to be no solution to the ever shrinking supply of these two grains. The end result will mean much higher prices and smaller packages. Keep an eye out for the shrinking package. This seems to be the latest in marketing schemes. A manufacturer will raise the price a small amount while offering a smaller container or weight. What was $1.00 for 12 oz, is now $1.25 for 8 oz. Oddly enough, this seems to be working with many people, so I'm sure we'll see this as a growing trend. “Less for more”.
It's hard to imagine that two grains could cause so much trouble, but when we look at how they are used, we begin to discover our sometimes glutinous dependence on them. From cereals, breads, pasta to high fructose corn syrup in our soda and juice, plus the feed for our beef, pork and chicken…. everything is effected, including what we feed our cats and dogs.
September 4, 2011
US Day of Rage
What, is the “US Day of Rage?”
On September 17th we may find out. A US Day of Rage is the title given to a day of ostensibly “non-violent” civil disobedience orchestrated by a group of radicals. It’s worth noting that the title of the movement — if its intentions are indeed non-violent in nature — appears to contradict itself slightly. But what is perhaps even more interesting than its title is who is allegedly behind the movement. (read more)
On September 17th we may find out. A US Day of Rage is the title given to a day of ostensibly “non-violent” civil disobedience orchestrated by a group of radicals. It’s worth noting that the title of the movement — if its intentions are indeed non-violent in nature — appears to contradict itself slightly. But what is perhaps even more interesting than its title is who is allegedly behind the movement. (read more)
September 3, 2011
Don't be a Victim, Be a Survivor
If a disaster of some sort were to hit today, would you be ready? A short time ago, we all watched as people were herded out of New York, but what I found interesting was that those who remained, cleaned out their local Grocery Store. They weren't ready for even a couple days of being inconvenienced or displaced. Truth of the matter is that many people have a pantry which, at best, holds a day or two worth of usable food. The majority consists of Cake Mixes, Spices, a can or two of vegetables. People have become accustom to running down to their Grocer and pick up what ever they need, at any given time. Unfortunately, that same Grocer only has a day or two of goods on hand and the Delivery Trucks have stopped running. Now what?
The 7.1, Loma Prieta Earthquake, killed 63 people and immediate left some 12,000 people homeless. A resident of that area said that all of the roads were destroyed and the people were without utilities for close to a week. Entrepreneurial people could be seen pushing shopping carts full of cigarettes and booze, which they had stolen from neighboring markets. People only had was just a few days worth of food. Some tried to sell chicken or burgers that they had just barbecued on an outdoor grill, but they couldn't sell it. There was no cash or silver to barter with. All anyone had was a Credit or Debit Card.
We live in a volatile world. A disaster, like the one above can happen at any time. Would you be ready or would you be the one holding a Debit Card, hoping to buy a meal for your family?
Take some time to survey what resources you have. Stock up on some extra groceries. Pick up some extra batteries. Fill that empty Gas Can. Buy a new spark plug for your Generator. And stop by the bank and pick up some small bills to have on hand. Once you've done these simple tasks, check out your pantry. Is it stocked well? When we are working with a client, it seems that the same question always comes up; How much do I need? To which we respond, “how long do you want to live?”
Get on the Internet. Find a preparations plan that you think will work for you and your family, then do it. Don't wait!
Don't be a Victim, be a Survivor
Uncle Suess
I do not like this Uncle Sam, I do not like his health care scam. I do not like these dirty crooks, or how they lie and cook the books. I do not like when Congress steals, I do not like their secret deals. I do not like ex-speaker Nan, I do not like this 'YES WE CAN'..I do not like this spending spree, I'm smart, I know that nothing's free. I do not like their smug replies, when I complain about their lies. I do not like this kind of hope. I do not like it. nope, nope, nope.
September 2, 2011
Lost - 18 Guns per Day
A report was issued Thursday, by The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, entitled; "Missing Guns - Lost and Dangerous". The report used data gathered from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF).
The report states that firearms are being reported as lost - before leaving the manufacturer. Since 2009 16,000 firearms have been lost. This amounts to an average of 18 missing guns each and every day. Many of which disappeared just prior to having the serial numbers stamped on them. This means that they are impossible to trace and obviously, very desirable to criminals.
Shocking as this may be, perhaps the most interesting aspect of this report is the reference to Federal law governing the production of firearms. At the present there is no law which states the manufactured needs to do anything to secure the plant. As with any business, there are no Federal statutes or even guidelines concerning the security of the plant. The firearms manufacturer is treated no different than a toy or cookie manufacturer. A broken or lost gun is merely treated like any business expense and written off at the end of the year. (read more)
Homelessness in US
Half of all states have multiple risk factors for increased homelessness; that is, they have rates worse than the national average on at least two of five indicators -- unemployment, foreclosure, doubled-up, housing cost burden, lack of health insurance.
California, Florida, and Nevada -- states known to have been disproportionately impacted by the recent housing crisis -- have both high rates of homelessness and high levels of unemployment, foreclosure, housing cost burden, lack of insurance, and doubling-up. (read more)
If You Thought August Was Bad, Just Wait Until September!
Up until August, this year had been fairly dull as the S&P 500 was in a trading range somewhere between 1250 and 1350. July ended near the upper end of that range and by August 2nd we were once again testing the lower 1250 level. Over the following week the S&P 500 plunged roughly 150 points to hit 1101 on August 8th before rallying. The selloff was due to a slew of negative economic releases which led to lowered economic growth expectations as well as renewed concerns over European sovereign debt markets and banks. Since August 8th the S&P 500 rallied just under 10% before selling off once more. The S&P 500's trading range is now between 1205 and 1120, and unfortunately I think we may have another repeat in which negative economic releases and continued worries over Europe may see the current trading range broken to the downside with the markets erasing all of QE2's rally from 2010. (read more)
25 Signs That The Financial World Is About To Hit The Big Red Panic Button
Most of the worst financial panics in history have happened in the fall. Just recall what happened in 1929, 1987 and 2008. Well, September 2011 is about to begin and there are all kinds of signs that the financial world is about to hit the big red panic button. Wave after wave of bad economic news has come out of the United States recently, and Europe is embroiled in an absolutely unprecedented debt crisis. At this point there is a very real possibility that the euro may not even survive. So what is causing all of this? (read more)
August 31, 2011
Feds May Seize Liberty Dollars
Kurt Nimmo Infowars Coin World reports that the feds are looking to seize liberty dollars from collectors and those using the coins instead of inflation-ridden Federal Reserve notes. Officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office said on August 24 that the coins are contraband. (read more)
August 30, 2011
Popocatepetl Volcano Blasts Ash
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Mexico’s national disaster prevention agency says the volcano has spewed ash more than a half mile into the sky four times Tuesday. It says there is a possibility ash could fall onto Mexico City overnight. (read more)
Another Hurricane has its sights set on the East Coast - "Katia"
This past week, we all watch our televisions and listened intently to any news updates concerning Hurricane Irene. Many people have said that Irene was a "non-event". Perhaps hoping or expecting a little more action that Irene was willing to deliver. One thing is for sure, those that were displaced or directly effected will certainly disagree. To them, it was Armageddon and the "End of the World as They Know It. One thing is for sure... if asked or directed to evacuate again, many will not. It's the old "cry wolf" scenario.
There is a chance that we may get to test my theory. Brewing in the Atlantic Ocean right now, is Katia. A category 3 hurricane, with wind speeds of over 125mph and its just getting warmed up. Its still too early to know for certain which path Katia will take. Some forecasts show it veering off into the north Atlantic. Others show it making landfall somewhere near Charleston or Virgina Beach. One shows it going into the Gulf and hitting Galveston, TX. It's still too early to say where Katia will go. This might be a good opportunity to watch for HAARP activity. Either way, we should know in a few days. Let's all hope and pray that Katia is even less of an event than Irene.
August 28, 2011
Economic Stage Set To Fail By Design
The world’s economic stage, pace, and policies have been set up (by design) as part of a scripted, predetermined (desired) outcome by tyrannical oligarch’s that have been dominating the minds and souls of many for hundreds of years.
Major players like the IMF Bank set the pace on a grand scale.
The fiat currency (paper or electronic) that you hold in your wallet or bank account is really just an illusion, a hologram to control the masses. (read more)
Major players like the IMF Bank set the pace on a grand scale.
The fiat currency (paper or electronic) that you hold in your wallet or bank account is really just an illusion, a hologram to control the masses. (read more)
Amid economic unease, demand climbs at U.S. food banks
Feeding the hungry is the mission at Manna Food Center, a food bank in the suburbs of the nation's capital. This year, officials here are seeing more and more people who need their help.
America's slow recovery from the worst economic crisis in decades has left families across the country struggling to put food on their tables, whether or not they have a job.
With an unemployment rate stuck above 9 percent and millions of people working part-time jobs because they cannot find full-time positions, a record 45.8 million people -- one of every seven -- received food stamps from the government in May. Demand for this kind of federal help has risen in all 50 states. (read more)
America's slow recovery from the worst economic crisis in decades has left families across the country struggling to put food on their tables, whether or not they have a job.
With an unemployment rate stuck above 9 percent and millions of people working part-time jobs because they cannot find full-time positions, a record 45.8 million people -- one of every seven -- received food stamps from the government in May. Demand for this kind of federal help has risen in all 50 states. (read more)
14 Conspiracy Theories That The Media Now Admits Are Conspiracy Facts
How many times have you heard the mainstream media dismiss certain points of view as "conspiracy theories"? It seems as though one of the easiest ways to brush something off is to label it as something that only "conspiracy theorists" would believe. Well, you know what? A whole lot of the time the "conspiracy theorists" are right and the mainstream media is wrong. In fact, we owe a great debt to "conspiracy theorists" because they will go places and investigate things that the mainstream media would never even touch. The reality is that the mainstream media only tells us what the government and the big corporations want us to hear, and much of the time it is those in the alternative media that are left with the task of trying to figure out what the real truth is. So don't look down on conspiracy theories or conspiracy theorists. In a world where almost everything we are told is a lie, the truth can be very difficult to find.
The following are 14 conspiracy theories that the media now admits are conspiracy facts.... (read more)
While we were watching Irene, what was going on?
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste". We all remember those words from Rahm Emanuel. So, what else has happened the past few days, while we've all been glued to the News channels, watching Irene?
Only time will tell. One thing is for never want to let a good crisis go to waste. Keep your eyes open and stay alert.
- Russia successfully test-fired its nuclear-capable Bulava intercontinental missile, which it hopes will become a key strategic weapon
- State Dept. Aggressively Pushed Genetically-Modified Crops to Help Agribusiness Giants
- A huge mass of electrically-charged particles thrown out by a gigantic eruption on the Sun is due to strike the Earth
- Libya: Tripoli Stands in Defiance of NATO
- Beware!! United States of Europe it's the next step for the globalists
- Fresh oil slicks forming over Deepwater Horizon spill site
Only time will tell. One thing is for never want to let a good crisis go to waste. Keep your eyes open and stay alert.
August 25, 2011
August 24, 2011
Washington Earthquake
The earthquake that recntly rocked Wahsington, had originally been named "Obama's Fault", but upon hearing this, the president was quick to say, "no, it's "Bush's Fault".
August 22, 2011
August 20, 2011
Aussie families return to Waltons-era
Cash strapped Aussie families return to Waltons-era lifestyle
A growing number of Australian households have three and even four generations under the same roof due to financial pressures, natural disasters, aged-care limitations, offspring staying at home longer and high childcare costs. According to futurist Mark McCrindle, by 2020 we will flashback a century and there will be a return to the multi-generational household like the Waltons family, made famous in the smash hit television series of the ’70s and ’80s. (read more...)
A growing number of Australian households have three and even four generations under the same roof due to financial pressures, natural disasters, aged-care limitations, offspring staying at home longer and high childcare costs. According to futurist Mark McCrindle, by 2020 we will flashback a century and there will be a return to the multi-generational household like the Waltons family, made famous in the smash hit television series of the ’70s and ’80s. (read more...)
August 19, 2011
The End of the World Is Nigh!
Do I really believe the end of the world is near? As for the financial word – Yes, I do! We are all watching the financial indexes whipsaw back and forth with our money. The magnitude of market moves have not been seen in recent times, so what do we do? I personally have not been overly affected by the recent financial negativity. I am not in the equities markets; I got rid of my unwanted house long ago and have plenty of Gold and Silver already. When the time comes and the U.S. population is truly desperate, I will be there to buy property at pennies on the dollar. Now, this may sound harsh, but this is exactly what the upper Class –Royal Elitist Class (REC) are doing. I am taking a page out of their manual and will use it to my benefit. The western economic order as you knew it is dying, how will you protect yourself and your family from what is about to come? (read more...)
20 Signs That The World Could Be Headed For An Economic Apocalypse In 2012
20 Signs That The World Could Be Headed For An Economic Apocalypse In 2012
U.S. Troops To Get Silky Boxers
For... Safer Combat
Next month, the Army is going to start sending the “ballistic boxers” to soldiers in Afghanistan, and the Marines intend for each of their troops there to have four pairs of the “protective undergarments,” as they are formally known, before the end of the year.[Continues at CNN]
The heavy silk boxers, which look like shorts that professional cyclists wear, won’t stop a bullet or shrapnel from an IED. But the silk can stop small projectiles like those kicked up by an explosion.
“It is expected to prevent fine sands and particles that are thrown up by explosives, so that the tissue wounds are cleaner, less ragged and easier to treat,” said Lt. Jamie Larson, a Marines Corps spokesperson. And since the silk is treated with antimicrobial agents, the boxers help protect injured troops from wound infections.
March 20, 2011
March 18, 2011
Urban Survival with Cody Lundin
Cody is a new friend and a well known expert when it comes to survival. Be sure to visit his website & make sure you catch his TV program, "Dual Survival". You'll find a wealth of information and "how-to's" ...
Rule Of Survival
Rule Of Survival
January 18, 2011
Monsters of Anarchy
This is a "Must See" for any Prepper. Unfortunately, these are scenarios that we may encounter. How will you respond?
2012 Prepare for the Alien Invasion?
I know this is a bit out of the range of most Preppers, but as Preppers, we tend to look for possibilities. That's how we determine which direction to prepare. There's an interesting message in this video, so follow it to the end.
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