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March 19, 2012

US Warns Russia: “Aliens On Their Way, Will Be Here In 2012”

Earth Wide missile defense plan to protect our planet 
from an “alien invasion” expected in late 2012 


A Kremlin report detailing the meeting held between Prime Minister Putin and US Vice President Biden this past week shockingly reveals an American plea for Russian help in establishing an “Earth Wide” missile defense plan to protect our planet from an “alien invasion” expected in late 2012 after NASA satellites revealed an “incoming” fleet of “miles-wide” UFO’s that have entered our Solar System.

March 15, 2012

Economic Collapse Coming

In a recent CNBC interview with Billoinaire Donald Trump, he made the statement that our economy is positioned for a "massive inflation" and warned investors to do what they must to protect themselves. He also pointed out that the unemployment figures of 8.3 percent are incorrect and told investors not to trust official government statistics. As far as the real unemployment numbers, Trump said, “It’s over 20 percent. It’s not 8.3 percent,”

According to Newsmax, "Trump also thinks skyrocketing oil prices will cripple the U.S. economy. “Right now, [oil] is at an all-time record for this time of the year, in the summer they predict $5 gasoline, maybe $6.”

But Trump isn’t the only expert warning the U.S. economy may go off the cliff. Robert Wiedemer, author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock, stated in a recent interview, “The data is clear, 50% unemployment, a 90% stock market drop, and 100% annual inflation . . . starting in 2012.”

Just to gain perspective, unemployment hit a high of 24.9% during the Great Depression. The one obvious difference between then and now is that when unemployment reached 15%, they knew they were in deep trouble. The Great Depression began in 1929. The entire world suffered an unprecedented rise in unemployment. Unemployment remained above 20% for two more years, declining to 14.3% by 1937, then leaping to 19% before its final decline. Economic output (real GDP) fell by 29% from 1929 to 1933 and the US stock market lost 89.5% of its value

Here we are at 20% and we find it easier to believe the 8.3% lie, than to face that we too are in "deep trouble".

Another difference is that back in the 1930's, most people had a small garden and everyone knew how to hunt or raise food. Now days, the only thing your neighbors know how to do is to come knocking at your door. This could have the perfect storm that many Preppers are getting ready for - a total economic collapse.

Many Preppers have been preparing for just such an event. Perhaps this is just another false alarm. We've been close to such a collapse several times in the past, but how many more times will we skirt this close, or is this the catalyst that will bring about sudden Doom?

No one can answer this with absolute acuracy. But it does raise two questions...

Are you ready? - & - Are you prepared?

If not, it might be a good time to do so. This is why we are working over-time to bring you the SGT Prepper Market. And as always,
"Be ready - Be prepared".

Drones Against Civilians

March 15, 2012

Law enforcement near Houston, Texas will soon have a $300,000 robotic surveillance drone in their arsenal, and if Montgomery County’s chief deputy has his say, it’s only a matter of time before that aircraft will be equipped to fire from above.

Discussing a new deal that will give the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office near Houston, Texas an unmanned, robotic spy drone, Chief Deputy Randy McDaniel tells The Daily that he hasn’t rule out adding weaponry to the lightweight aircraft.

The deputy says that while the department doesn’t have any plans at the moment to acquire an army of drones equipped with weapons, he opines that it could be advantageous for some endeavors.

On the topic of tacking a tear gas dispenser or a firearm that shoots non-lethal rubber bullets, McDaniel says it could eventually be an idea the department decides to go with.

“Those are things that law enforcement utilizes day in and day out and in certain situations it might be advantageous to have this type of system on the UAV,” McDaniel tells The Daily, referring to the unmanned aerial vehicle the agency recently acquired.

While Montgomery County will soon have one new set of eyes in its skies thanks to acquiring a pricey ShadowHawk drone, it is hardly the only small-time town that is getting such gizmos.

Surveillance drones are already used across the southern United States and the US Department of Homeland Security has acknowledged that it has had a fleet of drones for watching its borders for years.

Economic Collapse Coming

In a recent CNBC interview with Billoinaire Donald Trump, he made the statement that our economy is positioned for a "massive inflation" and warned investors to do what they must to protect themselves. He also pointed out that the unemployment figures of 8.3 percent are incorrect and told investors not to trust official government statistics. As far as the real unemployment numbers, Trump said, “It’s over 20 percent. It’s not 8.3 percent,”

According to Newsmax, "Trump also thinks skyrocketing oil prices will cripple the U.S. economy. “Right now, [oil] is at an all-time record for this time of the year, in the summer they predict $5 gasoline, maybe $6.”

But Trump isn’t the only expert warning the U.S. economy may go off the cliff. Robert Wiedemer, author of the New York Times best-selling book Aftershock, stated in a recent interview, “The data is clear, 50% unemployment, a 90% stock market drop, and 100% annual inflation . . . starting in 2012.”

Just to gain perspective, unemployment hit a high of 24.9% during the Great Depression. The one obvious difference between then and now is that when unemployment reached 15%, they knew they were in deep trouble. The Great Depression began in 1929. The entire world suffered an unprecedented rise in unemployment. Unemployment remained above 20% for two more years, declining to 14.3% by 1937, then leaping to 19% before its final decline. Economic output (real GDP) fell by 29% from 1929 to 1933 and the US stock market lost 89.5% of its value

Here we are at 20% and we find it easier to believe the 8.3% lie, than to face that we too are in "deep trouble".

Another difference is that back in the 1930's, most people had a small garden and everyone knew how to hunt or raise food. Now days, the only thing your neighbors know how to do is to come knocking at your door. This could have the perfect storm that many Preppers are getting ready for - a total economic collapse.

Many Preppers have been preparing for just such an event. Perhaps this is just another false alarm. We've been close to such a collapse several times in the past, but how many more times will we skirt this close, or is this the catalyst that will bring about sudden Doom?

No one can answer this with absolute acuracy. But it does raise two questions...

Are you ready? - & - Are you prepared?

If not, it might be a good time to do so. This is why we are working over-time to bring you the SGT Prepper Market. And as always,
"Be ready - Be prepared".

March 6, 2012

Impact Planet Earth

Here we go again! Another object from outer space is heading towards planet earth.
I'm starting to loose count on the number of times we've heard this same sort of thing. The last time was Elenin. You remember, that killer Asteroid that never showed up. This time we don't even get to call it a "cool" name. It's just 2012 DA14. Boring! Perhaps we could call this one - "Death Star". Oh, wait. I think George Lucas took that name for Star Wars, Episode IV. So, I guess we're stuck with "2012 DA14".


The 60-meter asteroid, spotted by Spanish stargazers in February, will pass by Earth in 11 months from now. So, in February 2013, Hopefully 2012 DA14 will do its fly-by of just under 16,700 miles from our surface. This is closer than the geosynchronous orbit of some of our satellites and this is what is causing all the ruckus at NASA. Its trajectory will bring it very close to our planet, raising fears of a possible collision.

According to one of the NASA Experts, Dr. David Dunham, "there is a possibility the asteroid will collide with Earth, but further calculation is required to estimate the potential threat and work out how to avert possible disaster".

As far as "averting" the possible disaster, our NASA Experts have come up with two wonderful ideas. The first is to fly a spaceship directly into the asteroid - a head on collision, but since it will take a minimum of two years to construct this disposable spaceship and the asteroid will be here in 11 months - well, it just doesn't seem like a very viable option. So, moving on to #2. This is my personal favorite!

“We could paint it,” says NASA expert, David Dunham.

"Paint would affect the asteroid’s ability to reflect sunlight, changing its temperature and altering its spin. The asteroid would stalk off its current course, but this could also make the boulder even more dangerous when it comes back in 2056". This was according to Aleksandr Devaytkin, the head of the observatory in Russia’s Pulkovo.

Seriously, this has to be the all time favorite brain-fart. Even Hollywood could not think this one up or if they did, they would never put this on film. One thing is for sure, if it comes close to Los Angeles, someone is going to paint it - with their gang sign.

Whatever the mission, building a spaceship, to deal with 2012 DA14, will take two years – at least. So, I guess that leaves us with the old, "duck and cover" routine. I'm sure that will work just fine!


Should we really be concerned about 2012 DA14? Since NASA has recently experienced hefty budget cuts, if they were to have offered something realistic, then I would say "no", but a new paint job and playing bumper cars with an asteroid make me a little nervous.

If the asteroid were to hit the earth, the impact would be similar to the Siberian blast of 1908, that leveled huge trees over 830 square miles. This is about the size of Luxembourg.

One final note, the destination of the asteroid is not yet known.

Paint? Really?

Russia arrests protesters

Looks like the growing trend of locking up protestors is not limited to the USA alone. Russian police arrested more than 500 people protesting against Vladimir Putin.


Free Speech is a Felony

“Once signed, HR 347 will empower federal agents to arrest and bring felony criminal charges against citizens engaged in political protests anywhere in the USA”
First it's TSA all up in our business, literally. Now, according to an article that appeared on the blog site, OpenSalon, we have to watch where we step. The article was entitled, "Outlawing Occupy: H.R. 347 Makes Free Speech A Felony".

Maybe We Should Find a Cave???

Why did ancient-man decide to live in caves? 
Was he driven to do so out of necessity?

Regardless, what your belief is of our ancient ancestors, there's a good chance that he probably didn't have a triple digit IQ.  There's a good chance that his reasoning ability was limited to his immediate needs.  He probably didn't put a lot of thought into what type of area he would live.  He wasn't concerned as to what color to paint the walls or what type of curtains to hang.  Instead, his dwelling was chosen based on security.  Security from what or whom?

March 1, 2012

The Coming Biological Attack in America

By Paul McGuire

"Imagine downtown Los Angeles, New York, or Washington, where 100,000 inhabitants from garbage collectors to CEO’s, in kindergarten classes to nursing homes, suddenly without warning begin drowning in their bodily fluids or suffocating on swollen tongues as mucous pours out from every orifice…people convulsing so violently that internal organs are displaced and then shut down in terrifying manifestations of agony."

Are you feral or fragile?

Arthur Haines briefly discusses various changes in hominids, the path we currently walk, and the need for a new kind of person.

The Bug-Out Bag

Aside from your beans, rice and cases upon cases of water, your next most item is your Bug-out Bag.

Preparing for an unknown situation is what we do as Preppers. There's not one of us that would not prefer to live a life of Pot-luck Dinners every Friday night and a little, white, picket fence around our yard, but we live in the real world, where anything is possible. Anything except a life like our parents knew. So, we substitute cases of MRE's and the new Grandma's Cook'n Meals (sorry, for the plug) and rather than white pickets we keep rolls of razor wire in the garage, ready to go at a moments notice. Reality is that we live in an uncertain world and as Preppers, we choose not to be victims of a situation.